Sunday, April 19, 2015

Vision Board, 2015

• SINGLES MINISTRY GOALS (Purpose, Spirituality, Relationships, Health, Time, Contribution, Finances,Calling)
*See; 2015 Vision Movie, 2015 Year Goals2015 Progress Report

...2015 Vision Movie...
Coming Soon!

...Must Goals...
1. SpM, Trusted God, Nov Wk 4
2. SpM, Celebrated Wkly Sabbath, 2015 Nov Wk 4  
3. HM, Activated Mental Endurance aka Activated Generational Blessing - Mental Health aka Broke Stronghold - Depression, 2015 Nov Wk 4
4. HM, Reached and maintained ideal body weight - 60kgs, 2015 Aug Wk 4 
5. HM, *Applied for and received Canadian Citizenship, Feb Wk 4
6. RM, Enjoyed Courtship Phase & Got Engaged, 2015 Nov Wk 4
7. BM, Lacim Revenue - +$x/mth, 2015 Nov Wk 4
8. BM, Received the SE Business Funding, 2015 Jan Wk 2  
9. BM, Lacim - Completed 10 LACI Ministry Projects (Presented Lacim Company Report, Completed 2015 HCI Project, Signed 10 CPS Members, Launched TYW Workshop, Launched Week Tracker App, Wrote Book TYW, Created TYW Online Course, Ardyss Sales $x/mth, Sublet Sunset drive 12months, Completed 100 Business Management Projects) Nov Wk 4
10. BM, LM - Completed 50 Business Management Projects   

Celebrated Wkly Sabbath

Reached and maintained ideal body weight - 60kgs, 2015 Aug Wk 4

Activated Mental Endurance, aka Activated Generational Blessing - Mental Health, aka Broke Stronghold - Depression

Enjoyed Courtship & Got Engaged, 2015 Nov Wk 4

...SM, Purpose Goals...
1. PM, Fulfilled Purpose, 6, Lived Fruitful Laci's - Harvested 20 Fruits, Supported Husband in Purpose - Renewed Mindset on Respecting husband, Raised Remnants - Completed Baby Care Program - 6 Classes, Taught & Supported Life Management - Legacy 3 Companies - Taught 10 Workshops - Managed 50 Small Business Projects)
2. PM, Presented Legacy Movie, 2014
3. PM, Created Year Goals and Presented Vision Movie, 2015
4. Presented Progress Report, Quarterly
5. PM, Accomplished 10 Year Goals 
6. PM, Activated 3 Life Management Trackers (The Purpose Tracker, Goals Management Tracker, and The Relationships Tracker)
Raised Remnants - Completed Baby Day Care Program 

Taught & Supported Life Management - Launched 3 Laci Companies & Managed 50 Small Business Projects

Presented Year Progress Report, Quarterly

...SM, Spiritual Goals...
1. SpM, Lived Identity, Identified Identity ... I am ...
2. SpM, Mastered 9 Character Qualities (*I Trust God, I Love Others, I am Self Controlled, Understanding, Respectful, Playful, Empowering, Dependable, and Productive)
3. SpM, Mastered Wkly Spiritual Cleanse
4. SpM, Mastered daily Word (at least 1*day, Read OT, 39 Books)
5. SpM, Mastered Wkly Bible Study
6. SpM, Mastered Wkly Fasting
7. SpM, Mastered Kingdom Laws (Paid Tithes)
8. SpM, Spent time with God daily
9. SpM, Mastered daily Prayer (at least 1*day of deep prayer) 
10. SpM, Mastered wkly Prayer
11. SpM, Celebrated Sabbath Wkly

...SM, Relationships Goals...
Coming Soon!
Owned/Lived Identity - I am a Queen

...SM, Health Goals...
1. HM, Activated Mental Endurance aka Activated Generational Blessing - Mental Health aka Broke Stronghold - Depression, 2015 Nov Wk 4
*4. HM, Reached and maintained ideal body weight, 60kgs. 
2. HM, Mastered sleepwear
3. HM, Mastered daily exercise 
4. HM, Rested Body, 4am wake)
5. HM, Applied for and received Canadian Citizenship

Reached and maintained ideal body weight - 60kgs.
Hair length, 12 inches, Nov 2015
Mastered Daily Exercise 

Mastered Sleepwear

...SM, Time Management Goals...
1. TM, Mastered Week Management (4, Wk Goals, Wk Accountability, Booking Wk Activities, Wkly backed up Lib)
2. TM, Mastered 50:10
3. TM, Mastered Week, Activated 4 Lacim days/ 32hrs
5. TM, Mastered Day, Activated 3 Routines (Dawn Routine, Afternoon Routine, Evening Routine)

Mastered Week - Activated 4 Lacim days/ 32hrs

...SM, Contribution Goals...
Coming Soon!

...SM, Financial Goals...
1. FM, Created Financial Budget
2. FM, Mastered Financial Expense Jars
3. FM, Cleared all bad debt, $x
Bought Lake Country Home - Saved  $x

Cleared all bad debt ($x)
...SM, Calling Development Goals...
Coming Soon!

...Marriage Ministry Goals...
*1. RM, Marriage, Enjoyed Courtship & Got Engaged
Got engaged to my ideal husband

..Parenting Ministry Goals...
Coming Soon!
Created Life Management Report for Baby 1

...Business Ministry Goals...
1. Lacim, Launched 7 LACI Companies (How Can I, Laci Workshops, Laci Software, Laci Books, Laci Online Courses, Laci Realty, Laci Management)
2. Lacim, Hired Lacim Admin Assistant
3. Lacim, Presently Quarterly Company Report
4. Lacim, Closed CT Humans Rights case
5. Lacim, Reached 100K followers on social media
6. Lacim, Mastered 3 business financial habits  (Paid mthly bills on time, Tracked mthly expenses, Presented mthly financial reports)
7. Lacim, Revenue, +$x
8. Lacim, Received SE Funding
9. Lacim, Completed 10 LACI Ministry Projects (Presented Lacim Company Report, Completed 2015 HCI Project, Signed 10 CPS Members, Launched TYW Workshop, Launched Week Tracker App, Wrote Book TYW, Created TYW Online Course, Ardyss Sales $x/mth, Sublet Sunset drive 12months, Completed 100 Business Management Projects)
10. LM, Subcontracted 4 Admin Assistants
11. LM, Presented monthly report
12. LM, Reached 10K followers on social media
13. LM, Mastered 3 business financial habits (Paid mthly bills on time, Tracked mthly expenses, and Presented mthly reports)
14. LM, Revenue, +$x
15. LM, Completed 50 Business Management Projects

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